Grumpy Old Fool's Day@Disney -- Return to Hong Kong

by Mike Morizio, contributing writer

…In which we experience some Toy Story carnival rides, visit HK Frontierland, and watch a vintage commercial that you won't believe.




  1. By danyoung

    I always enjoy Mike's videos. Hard to believe there was a time when a beloved cartoon character was shilling for cigs!

  2. By GusMan

    Seems like HKDL is not only small, but seems to be a bit more bare-bones in its current offerings. Sound about right?

  3. By mmorizio

    I remember seeing the Flintstones Winston commercial when it first aired in the early 60s. Yes, I'm that old.

    Hong Kong Disneyland does look as if it was opened with a bare minimum of attractions. Aside from the carnival rides in Toy Story Land, the only attraction we noticed that is unique to HK is Mystic Manor (which I thought was very, very good.)

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