Our Fifth Anniversary and One More Disney Day

by MouseStation Crew, staff writer

MouseStation 440 - Our Fifth Anniversary and One More Disney Day

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Show run time 0:43:53

On today's show, Mike and Mark celebrate the fifth anniversary of the MouseStation Podcast, then discuss the latest promotion from Disney Parks.

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Feature: Our Fifth Anniversary

Mike and Mark started out the fifth anniversary celebration by sharing the rarely-heard audio from Episode 0, the show that was put up on the show's feed as a placeholder until the first real show went up. Our dialog was a bit stiff, but it was our transitional show.

We did a bit of reminiscing about how we got started, and about our transition from the Magical Moment Podcast to the MouseStation Podcast. Mike blamed Mike Scopa for giving him the idea to start podcasting, and Mark laughed at Mike's original contention that it would only take an hour a week of his time. The history of our friendship was also fodder for discussion.

Mark also ran through the history of MouseStation's changing schedule and changing crew over the years. We discussed Sean Jones' series of "@ the Station" comic strips and the poster created for us by Justin Hilden.

It all comes back to the listeners, though. If it weren't for our wonderful listeners, we wouldn't still be doing this.

Feature: One More Disney Day

Mike and Mark discuss the latest promotion from Disney Parks. Was the promotion announcement worthy of the build-up to the announcement?

Mike and Mark really don't feel that the promotion was worth the hype. Mark felt that this was another case of poorly managing expectations. It also didn't really promote anything new in the parks. Also, pretty much the entire promotion is only good for people who can plan a last-minute trip, since the package discount is only good February 26 through March 10 and the 24-hour day is February 29. It's as if it's all just a promotion to fill empty hotel rooms during a slow period, just like any other discount or free dining promotion.

Mark noted that Leap Day would provide an optimal opportunity to do all 6 domestic parks on the same day, since you could start at 6 a.m. Eastern Time at the Magic Kingdom and end at 6 a.m. the next day at Disneyland Park.

Let us know what you think! Was the promotion worth the hype?

Listener Feedback

Joey from Tucson teased Mark that he messed up and said "2011" in the show open of the last show. Mark admitted that he messed up last time, but it won't happen again this year.

jennibell posted in the Kinect Disneyland Adventures episode show notes thread on the MousePad discussion forums about how her whole family loves the game.

Paul Schnebelen wrote a lengthy email about how disappointing the One More Disney Day promotion was, and how it once again didn't live up to the expectations built up by the pre-announcement hype. Paul speculated that the short term of the promotion was due to the upcoming openings of Carsland and Buena Vista Street at DCA and New Fantasyland at Magic Kingdom. However, there was no promotion that those openings were coming.

Mark noted that it was also pointed out on the MousePad discussion forums that people taking advantage of the Leap Day promotion will be pretty much precluded from participating in any of a number of D23 events taking place around the country on March 1.

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Wrapping up

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Thanks to our announcer, Andrew Rich!

Thank you for listening!

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